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Somos parte de una organización sin fines de lucro para la concientización y defensa de la violencia doméstica que comenzó en 2010 y cree en el apoyo de las mujeres. Queremos poder ayudar a cada mujer a encontrar fuerza en sus emociones y comprenderlas. Queremos que todas las mujeres encuentren su belleza y crean que son dignas y merecedoras de vivir una vida verdaderamente feliz y amorosa. Me enamoré del maquillaje hace unos 6 años y decidà incorporarlo a la organización para ayudar a financiar dinero para ayudar a los necesitados. Un porcentaje de cada producto vendido se destina a la causa de Defensa de la Violencia Doméstica. Le agradecemos de antemano.
Our Nonprofit Organization is based on the belief that women’s needs are of the utmost importance. Our entire team is committed to meeting those needs in whatever capacity.
This Organization started September 25, 2010 when I was given 12 ugly necklaces as a joke and asked what I was going to do with them. As I thought about it I decided I was going to ask friends to start a group with me called Women Of H.E.A.R.T.S. (Having Emotions And Recognizing True Strength).
It was to be a gathering of women sharing stories and supporting one another and the one rule was there was to be no judgment.
I invited several close friends to dinner and we had a great time. The surprise was that it wasn't going to be just a group of women man bashing but that this was going to be the beginning of much much more.
For years I wanted to be a counselor for abused women and teenage girls (surviving an abusive marriage myself) but I never had the patience for school so these ugly necklaces got me thinking that our group could start reaching out to other women and eventually start helping our teens.
Una realización de cada mujer afectada por abuso para reconocer la verdadera fuerza y superar miedos, emociones y obstáculos.
(Tener emociones y reconocer la verdadera fuerza)