Teen HEARTS...
Teen H.E.A.R.T.S. is for our young ladies ages 11-25. (Divided by age groups).
We want our girls & young women to know they have someone to turn to in times of need. Women Of H.E.A.R.T.S. is here to help. We want to build them up and help them to realize they can do anything they put their minds to. We want to teach them how to love themselves and help them make positive decisions.
Our teenage girls have it hard in this day and age. They have to deal with bullying, name calling and jealousy. Lets help them find love in one another and focus on what they like about others and not focus on the dislikes because there is good in everyone.
**Stayed tuned for Our Teen H.E.A.R.T.S. Event Coming soon!!
**Teen Heart of the Month of May**

Meet Amania!! She is 12 years of age in the 6th grade. She attends Ferndale Middle School . Her dream is to become a lawyer when she gets older!! Her favorite hobby is doing hair and she loves cheer leading. Lets applaud this beautiful teen and watch her be the best she can be. ​
**February Teen Lead 2017**

Meet Mackienze!
She is 12 years of age in the 6th grade. She attends Ferndale Middle School . Her dream is to become a lawyer when she gets older!! Her favorite hobby is doing hair and she loves cheer leading. Lets applaud this beautiful teen and watch her be the best she can be.